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Castledawson Primary School

Electrical Circuits

17th Jan 2025

Today Room 5 boys and girls loved creating electrical circuits. 

We’ve just started our topic of Inventors and we were learning about the history of electricity and are learning about Thomas Edison who was famous for inventing the light-bulb. 

Today we talked about what a circuit was and looked at the symbols for batteries, switches, motors etc and then we looked at each item and created a circuit using crocodile clips. We realised that when an element didn’t work eg bulb didn’t light, then we needed to investigate why. Usually it was because something wasn’t connected properly and therefore the circuit wasn’t complete or we needed to check the batteries or bulbs. Everyone did a great job and now we are familiar with creating circuits we are ready for our challenge next week of creating an intruder alarm 💡🔌🔋đŸĒĢ⚡ī¸