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Castledawson Primary School

Day 3 Gortatole Trip

15th May 2024

While we are so excited to be going home, we are also a bit sad as this is the last day of our trip. 

We’ve had the most fantastic time and have enjoyed every experience. 

Today the boys and girls enjoyed their final activity of archery/ bushcraft, caving and climbing. 

We exceeded any expectations we had and achieved our goals. We learnt lots of new skills and also some geographical and historical facts about our environment. 

We’ve spent the past few days outdoors enjoying our time building our independence, having fun with our friends and also fulfilling the objectives of the course which is communication, cooperation, consideration and challenge. 

We also enjoyed down time with a BBQ, football, a movie and snacks in the evenings. 

The most enjoyable trip and memories created that will last a long, long time.