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Castledawson Primary School

Nurture Room

Welcome to our Nurture Room. We have a wonderful room outside, located behind the school building. Although this room is for everyone on a daily basis, we use it for nurture sessions weekly. We also have a ‘sea’ themed room in school which is also very popular. 

Nurture has become a whole initiative as we aim to meet the needs of all our pupils socially and emotionally and help develop positive behaviours. 

Nurture sessions include activities that will build children's confidence, self esteem, resilience and our skills to work together in groups.



3rd Jun 2024
Nurture has been working really hard this term. In senior nurture, we have been revising...
19th Feb 2024
Today was the start of a new term of nurture group. Senior nurture set their targets...
19th Feb 2024
Today was the start of a new term of nurture group. Senior nurture set their targets...
18th Dec 2023
Today, both junior and senior Nurture celebrated a fantastic term together with a...

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