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Castledawson Primary School

Primary 6-7

Welcome to Room 5! As we embark on a new school year we are so excited to see everyone again. We love learning and love all the boys and girls in our classroom.

Mrs McCusker  is the teacher and there are two wonderful classroom assistants too. Every adult is committed to helping everyone feel happy and safe and ensuring you reach your full potential.

We have lots of fun and exciting things planned for the year ahead so stay posted for updates on any news, classwork or events from P6/7.

This term our World Around Us topic is called Egyptians.  We will be learning about Ancient Egypt and the way of life during that period. We will learn about how they lived, hieroglyphs and how they communicated, the pyramids and tombs as well as pharaohs such as Tutankhamun. We’ll also link this is familiar Bible stories relating to Egypt.

A topic note will be shared every term giving you an outlining of information and learning that will take place. Most of our communication with parents is via Seesaw and all news and information is shared as well as the ability to access your child's learning journal. Information about the week ahead is published on Seesaw on Sunday evening.  Homework is given at the start of the week and you can complete it at a pace that suits you and your schedule. Homework (in accordance with our school Homework Policy) shouldn't take anymore than 45 - 60 mins daily.

Our priority as always, is the happiness, safety and well-being of our pupils so we will be focusing on developing resilience through daily activities that will promote well-being through healthy bodies and minds.



26th Jun 2024
The boys and girls in Room 5 enjoyed the bouncy castle yesterday as we celebrated...
20th Jun 2024
The children in room 5 enjoyed a visit from Sentinus today and made lots of models...
18th Jun 2024
Boys and girls in P5-7 loved their end of year trip to Brunswick in Londonderry....
18th Jun 2024
For Term 3’s house challenge we chose a Euros theme and everyone in P5-7 took...

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