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Castledawson Primary School

Primary 2-3

Welcome to Room 2! 

Miss Glendinning is the teacher and there are two wonderful classroom assistants too. Every adult is committed to helping everyone feel happy and safe and ensuring you reach your full potential.

In Room 2 we love to learn, grow and play with our peers every day!

This term our topic is 'Castles’. We are looking forward to exploring the world around us through lots of different learning activites and play. Throughout our topic we will be exploring the importance and purpose of castles and their features. Over the course of this term the children will find out what a castle is, when and why castles were built and why they were most commonly built on hills. The children will also be learning about the jobs within a castle and how these roles changed over time. The boys and girls will investigate who became a knight, their role and what equipment they needed. We will be looking at naming each feature and how this helps to defend and protect the castle and those who live inside. The children will be carrying out lots of research about castles and using this research alongside their own knowledge to support their literacy tasks.

In numeracy, we will be looking at lots of number, counting forwards and backwards, number patterns and place value. We will also be looking at telling the time in analogue and learning about 2D and 3D shapes and exploring them in our own environment.

In Room 2, we love reading books and listening to stories. We show our understanding of stories by looking at characters, settings and explaining our favourite parts. This term, we will be writing recounts about our Christmas holidays and working on our sentence formation and becoming more independent writers. We will also create our very own job descriptions and persuasive posters.

Everyday we love to take time out to talk about our feelings and those of others around us, we are working hard to build resilience and get to know ourselves even better.

Every day is a learning day!!!




Class Photograph
